Tap into a higher version of yourself

Get answers to your specific questions

Get clear direction

Connect to clarity for your purpose

Take your best decisions...


I hold the space sacred for you


Let your spiritual genious lead you in this original intuitive session

Align your life with your Soul

I've always loved pictures and the Tarot cards are doors opened on the langage of the Universe. I don't use them traditionaly, I use them on my unique way. And my unique way is that the Universe is whispering to me informations about what is important for you to know as you can have an intuitive guidance that inspires you for your life.


In my consultation I make a deep dive in all the 12 important places governing your life, so you can have an entire analysis and I give you the relation between each sector. Each time, a more "heavy" energy is showing up, I look closer to give you informations as you could manage it easily.

Nothing is determined in your life and you always can manage these energies, because if not, you would not be here.


  • Special session for your birthday
  • Session at the beginning of the year
  • Session whenever you need more clarity about your purpose, a decision...

Price : 260 Euros


Every session is recording and I send you the mp3 as you could re-listen the session.

I have 2 ways for working : directly on an online session with you or you just explain me what you need on a what's app previous short meeting and I work by myside, recording you the session.

Some testimonies for  Soul Guidance

"Thank you Laurence for this moment out of time spent with you, of an incredible and unexpected intensity of truth... Without knowing it you have come to touch sensitive subjects but also a subject buried for years... probably in the heart of a great suffering... today I feel liberated and incredibly serene and confident in the future, more than ever.  Many thanks." Françoise T. 


"I called on Laurence for a soul reading "Connection to His Essence" in November 2022. I knew I could trust her, that I wasn’t dealing with a person pretending to be what she isn’t. 

This one-hour session was beyond my expectations and met my expectations. Laurence has psychic gifts and this soul reading allowed me to have answers that were given to me by my grandparents in particular, as well as a person who deeply left his mark on my life: my love of youth. This moment was extremely charged with emotions, both for Laurence who transmitted and for me. 

I thank my ancestors for being there and for the nice messages they gave me and I thank Laurence for being the channel. I came out of this consultation feeling different, I could not say in what, but stronger with at the same time a greater sensitivity and a more powerful intuition. I realized that I had to listen to this little voice in my head that often guided me. I highly recommend Laurence and I will again appeal to her." D. creator of the Facebook Page L'armure et l'amour.


"I'm gratefully thankful for the conversation with  Laurence. She listen to my story and propose immediate help. Just in 30min using her well known trauma releasing techniques combined with her personal gift, extra sensitivity to the energies ,Laurence clear cancer trauma in me ,following with a couple of personal sadness attachments from my mom's life. I felt energies so strong . Laurence you definitely accelerate my recovery process. I'm happy to open doors widely to fully enjoy my new life. Thank you God , and  no matter how much you did for me, you expressed  even more love towards me  and send me Laurence.  Thanking you Laurence again . Great service for humanity. Blessings . " - Ausra, Dublin, professional certified Life Coach

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What's App also available 00 33 6 17 09 27 05

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